Aug 18, 2012

DIY : How To Get Healthy and Kissable Lips

Hi Beautiful..
Welcome back to my blog (◡‿◡✿)

Today blog post is about another DIY video on how to get healthy, smooth and of course kissable lips.
This DIY is really easy to do with all natural ingredients..

So Let's get started, shall we? <3

What We Need :

1. Honey
As we all know , honey is one of the most worn natural ingridients for beauty related.
It consist of  vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidant and many more..
It also have lots of benefits, for moisturizing, softening, and even for scrubbing dead skin.

2. Sugar
Sugar can also be used as natural scrub as same as Salt
But in this DIY i chose sugar coz it taste sweet >.<

3. Small Plate

4. Spoon or spatula for mixing the ingridients

How To Make It :

1. Put honey on the plate

2. Put sugar on the plate

3. Mix both honey and sugar 
P.S : Don't mix it till the sugar melt, but make it only to tiny granules

Let's eat it!!!
Kidding.. >.<
Let's start to exfoliate!

1. Apply the natural scrub to the lips
P.S : Leave it for 5 minutes more or less. 
Just to make the lips softer than before, so we won't hurt the lips when we start to scrub it.

2. Scrub the lips gently in circular motion

3. Rinse the lips with warm water and dry it


Yes! As simple as that!
You'll get the smoothest lips ever!!
<I'm started to dramatize it..o.O> 

Anyway, for the video ...

So that's all for my blog post..
Hope it useful for all of my beautiful blog readers!!
Love ya'll

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